Most software providers should now be providing the reporting of STP, if you do not have a software provider who is providing this function, it is a good idea to check and see if they will be, or you will need to look at alternative providers.

The ATO has provided a list of low or no-cost options for employers with 4 or fewer employees. They are also allowing a 2-year transitional period where you will be able to have a registered tax or BAS agent to report quarterly for you, rather than each pay run.

The reporting of STP requires that an approved person is making the lodgement. If you decided to use Hannans360° to lodge on your behalf, you will be required to complete an STP engagement authority form.

Please contact us at or call us on (07)3806 4484 to request an STP Engagement Authority form. You can also down the STP Authority Form here.

If opting for this method, it will be your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of all information provided for reporting purposes. You will need to ensure complete & accurate records are provided on time each quarter.

Categories: Tax