With the 2024 End Of Financial Year about to come to a close, below is a checklist of items to see if you can save more tax this year:

1. Defer Income

Depending on your cash flow, the delay of invoicing and receiving of cash until after 1 July will reduce your income in the current financial year.

2. Take advantage of the $20,000 immediate write-off

If you need any new assets, tools, vehicles and equipment, making a purchase up to $20,000 will give you a deduction for the full amount and reduce your taxable income.

This is currently available until 30 June 2024.

3. Look to spend

Including the prepayment of expenses for the next 12 months – some expenses you can prepay are accounting fees and insurances. If you can pay prior to 30 June, you will be increasing your deductions.

4. Superannuation

Ensure your superannuation is paid up to date for all employees. If not paid on time for your employees, there is no deduction.

Also, ensure you provide us with details of any superannuation you may have paid yourself during the year so we can claim the appropriate deduction for you.

Here is a list of all the Superannuation contribution caps. (Updated as of 20 March 2024)

5. Bad Debt

Ensure you have no outstanding invoices that need to be written off and recognised as bad debt expenses. You can do this by reviewing your accounts receivable/trade debtors and checking any old or outstanding items.

6. Donations & Gifts

If you are intending to make any donations for the year, get them in prior to 30 June. Remember, to be able to claim a deduction for a donation, it needs to be a registered charity – they need to be a deductible gift recipient. This would be confirmed on your receipts.

7. Consider taking up an accrual for wages and bonuses

Businesses that account for tax on an accruals basis are entitled to claim a tax deduction for an expense in the year in which the business has committed to the liability. If you have committed to pay employees end-of-year bonuses, the accrued expenses can be claimed as a tax deduction even though it is physically paid next financial year.

8. Should you consider realising a capital gain or loss before end of the financial year?

Capital losses can be offset against, and therefore reduce, taxable capital gains that you may make on selling other assets. So if your business is due to sell some assets that will realise a capital loss, try to crystallise these losses before June 30.

Categories: BusinessTax