Recently, I was asked for advice from a very close friend. He had made the decision to quit University and was worried that he had wasted the last few years studying because society and his parents deemed it to be the most “successful” path to travel, only to realise that he was doing something that did not bring him joy.
Upset by his supposed “failure”, I offered advice based on my own experiences and observations.
Each experience is a guiding light, helping us to find our way. The good experiences tell us we are going the right way, and the bad experiences tell us we need to pivot and change direction.
Unfortunately, none of us has a roadmap for life…. we sometimes don’t know it’s the wrong path until we have travelled it.
For most of us (if not ALL, reading this), we still have plenty of time to change course and to pivot.
Nothing is a waste. We can learn and grow from EVERY experience. Don’t be scared to make a change if you know your current path is no longer serving you well. And instead, see your “failures” as signposts guiding you to where you need to be.
(Oh, and for those who don’t know where that is … it’s Happiness😊🦄).