The ATO is urging Australians to ” just wait a few weeks” before lodging any tax returns as staff are stressing out with the explosion of phone calls they are receiving.

So what is causing all this? The government’s brand new tax cuts and for businesses – the newly added Single Touch Payroll. The ATO is now having to bring in extra staff just to maintain all the calls that have inundated all the staff.

Due to the introduction of the STP (Single Touch Payroll), a lot of people will be not be receiving a PAYG Summary (group certificate), they must register through MyGov and the ATO to get access to any of their information.

The ATO had planned to receive an extra 28% increase in calls, but they underestimated substantially. Staff have been pulled from other jobs, pulling overtime and extra shifts just to help out with all the calls.

Since the start of July, the ATO has processed over 800,000 lodgements.

Categories: BusinessTax