
We bust the myths that might be holding you back from earning more.


MYTH: You need to have lots of money to seek financial advice.

FACT: Not having enough money and wanting more is EXACTLY why you should see a financial adviser.


MYTH: It costs too much to pay someone to do my tax

FACT: We only need to find an extra $300 in tax deductions to pay our tax fee and we do so for at least 95% of our clients. For the other 5%, they like the hassle-free service.


MYTH: I can’t afford financial advice.

FACT: Research shows those who do, generally save an extra $1,590 a year, after advice costs, and are almost $100,000 better off at retirement. PLUS, we offer a FREE financial health check – so there are no excuses.


MYTH: Budgets are restrictive.

FACT: They don’t need to be. Consider it more a spending plan. You can even include fun things like holidays and other entertainment.


MYTH: I need to understand finance to talk to a money expert.

FACT: Nope. Not here. We throw the technical jargon out the window and talk like ‘real people’. We use pretty graphs and map it out visually so you don’t have to be an engineer or rocket scientist.

Categories: Business